What Are Your True Gifts?

Tis the season of gifts and giving. One of the most important gifts we can give, is to take care of ourselves. giftsImagine your life as a basket of apples. When our basket is full, we give with happiness and generosity. If our basket of apples is empty, we have nothing to truly give.  This year especially, we can truly gift from our hearts and share our qualities in unique ways.

How do you like to “gift” yourself so that you’re full of strength, rest and happiness? Ask yourself? What do I need today? Do I need to reach out to a friend, do I need a peaceful walk, do I need to cross some things off my list, do I need a healthy meal, or do I need a hot bath?

What is that special something that you gift to others? Your smile, laughter, listening, advice, cooking, decorating or organizing? How can you share your true gift with other family members and friends? Help your teen do the same… help them think about their true gift and how they can share their unique qualities with others.

How is your family a gift to others? Have a family meeting around a meal. Discuss all the ways that your family members individually and as a group have an impact on others. What are the gifts unique to your family that others seek out? Teens often forget to focus on their strengths and can’t see the positive impact they have on others. Take the time to offer some observations and possibilities.

Gifts to the community. How does your family as a group and individually impact your community in a larger sense? What are some ways you’ve all helped others? How would you like to help in the next year? 2020 has been tough on a lot of teens and families. Come up with ways your family can gift your community with acts of service now and in 2021. These can be existing organizations or personal outreaches to your local schools and individuals.

Humans are wired to belong to a group, and when we share our gifts to our families and community, no matter how small, the brain lights up and creates feelings of happiness. May you bring happiness to yourselves and others this holiday season.

Love and gratitude to all.